Can I Add a Vertical Fore Grip to My AR-15 Pistol?

We have had several customers ask us about adding a vertical fore grip and a folding stabilizing brace to their AR-15 pistol. Does this configuration transform the AR-15 pistol into an NFA firearm requiring a tax stamp? The short answer is “yes.” The long answer is a little more complicated. Pistols are Not Regulated by…

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You Do Not Need a Separate Bank Account for Your Gun Trust

Some people have the misconception that a firearm to be held in a gun trust must be purchased with money from a trust account. This is a common myth that is simply not true. Our gun trust is designed to hold both NFA firearms that require an ATF tax stamp and non-NFA firearms that do not…

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The Fourth Amendment Protects Owners of NFA Firearms

Many gun owners are under the mistaken belief that a registered owner of NFA firearms, such as a suppressors, short-barreled rifles, or short-barreled shotguns, is subject to unwarranted searches of their residence by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives (ATF). The Fourth Amendment of the U.S. Constitution prohibiting unlawful search and seizure is…

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The High Cost of Recreational and Medical Marijuana to Firearms Owners

The use or possession of marijuana is illegal under Federal law. However, 29 states and the District of Columbia currently have laws broadly legalizing marijuana in some form. In addition, seven states, Alaska, California, Colorado, Maine, Massachusetts, Nevada, Oregon, and Washington, as well as the District of Columbia have adopted the most expansive laws legalizing marijuana…

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What is the Engraving Requirement for NFA Firearms?

You cannot trust everything you read on the Internet about the engraving requirement for NFA firearms. Some forum discussions have been telling people to engrave all firearms assigned to or bought by their NFA gun trust. This is completely incorrect. Only manufacturers, importers (into the U.S.), and maker of firearms are required to engrave firearms. See 27…

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How Do I Change the Registered Configuration of My Short-Barreled Rifle?

You have filed an ATF Form 1 application make an existing firearm into a short-barreled rifle (SBR). The ATF finally approves your Form 1 application and mails the approval document (the “tax stamp”) to you. Your tax stamp allows you to convert your firearm to the specific configuration of barrel length, overall length, and caliber…

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I am Moving. What Do I Need to Do About My NFA Firearms?

When you move, regardless of whether you move interstate or intrastate, the ATF wants you to update them regarding the permanent location where your NFA firearms will be stored. The ATF’s change of address form is ATF Form 5320.20, entitled “Application to Transport Interstate or to Temporarily Export Certain National Firearms (NFA) Firearms. If you…

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How Do I Complete an ATF Form 4 Application?

Our customers frequently ask about the documents that need to be sent to the ATF to form a complete ATF Form 4 application, which is used to transfer an already-manufactured NFA firearm to their gun trust. This situation commonly arises when customers buy silencers and short-barreled rifles from a Class 3 dealer. In this case, the transfer is…

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How Do I Complete an ATF Form 1 Application?

Our customers frequently ask about the documents that need to be sent to the ATF to form a complete ATF Form 1 application, which is used to transfer an already-manufactured NFA firearm to their gun trust. This situation commonly arises when clients want to shorten the barrel on one of their existing rifles so that is less…

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How Do I Amend My Existing Gun Trust that I Bought Somewhere Else?

Many of our new customers contact us, because they already have a gun trust prepared by another gun trust provider, such as a Class 3 dealer or a silencer manufacturer. However, they need to make changes to their existing gun trust, such as removing co-trustees or changing beneficiaries. Additionally, many of our new customers realize how badly their…

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